Hygrograph is used to measure and record relative humidity. The results are recorded on a strip chart, which can be attached to a hand-wound drum clockwork according to DIN 8300 and DIN 58658 or a quartz clockwork. There are two options when it comes to the drum clockwork:
- The mechanical drum clockwork is driven by hand winding and can operate in temperatures ranging from -35°C to +80°C. This is compatible with model 1.0610/614.
- The battery-operated quartz clockwork is suitable for temperatures ranging from -20°C to +60°C. This is compatible with model 1.0615 and onwards.
Included in delivery:
- 1 set (100 sheets) strip chats
- 1 piece felt pen
Part number: 1.0610.xx.000
Graduation 5 % rel. F.
Ambient temp.: depending on measuring element and clockwork
Lockable: no
Recording width: 82 mm
Period of registration:
- 1 day ( Thrust: 11.45 mm/h )
- 7 days ( Thrust: 40 mm/d )
Dimension: 280 x 140 x 214 mm
Weight: 2.2 kg
As per 1.0610.xx.000, but:
Product number 1.0610.10.000
- ± 2% rel. h.
- +1 scale devision @ 65 % rel. h. and room temperature )
Meas. element: H ( Human hairs )
Ambient temp.: -35 ... +70
Product number 1.0610.12.000
- ±3% rel. h.
- +1 scale devision @ 65 % rel. h. and room temperature )
Meas. element: K ( synthetic fibers )
Ambient temp.: -0 ... +80 °C
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205077: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "H" Registration time 7 days
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205078: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "K" Registration time 7 days
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205079: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "H" Registration time 1 day
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205080: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "K" Registration time 1 day
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205082: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "H" Registration time 14 days
Recording charts for Hygrograph 205083: Recording Charts for Hygrograph for measuring element "H" Registration time 31 days
Felt Pen 500847: Felt pen for recording instruments, like Hygrograph and Hygrothermograph